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Cystoseira live during Radio3Scienza

Our scientific coordinator Annalisa Falace broadcasted live during one of the most important Italian radio shows on science.

On September 26th, Elisabetta Tola interviewed Annalisa Falace during Radio3Scienza on marine restoration and the activities of the REEForest project.

After a brief explanation on what the project is and how the various steps are carried out, questions from listeners started to arrive.

The public was well invested, mostly on the aspects that concern everyday life.

Are these algae edible? Is the restoration enough to recover ecosystem services lost due to Cystoseira decline?

To find out the answer to these questions and listen to the whole episode, click here

Farmers of the sea: that’s what we could call the researchers who are reforesting the Mediterranean Sea with Cystoseira algae, thanks to the LIFE REEForest project.

Climate crisis and anthropogenic impacts have put the Mediterranean’s macroalgal forests in crisis: ecosystems as complex as terrestrial forests.

In Trieste, there is a cutting-edge centre for cultivating Cystoseira and restoring the marine environment.

Annalisa Falace, professor of algology at the University of Trieste and coordinator of the LIFE REEForest project, is one of the protagonists of the Trieste NEXT festival, held every year at the end of September.

Together with the professor there are the author of the show “The lost expedition; Letters from the Pole” Alessia Giovanna and Ester Colizza, a professor of geology at the University of Trieste who has been to Antarctica eight times, help us understand how our knowledge of polar ice has changed.

Stay tuned for our next newsletter, something exciting is coming up!

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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